
Monday, October 7, 2019

Construction Engineering Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Construction Engineering - Assignment Example The essential ethics topics for training in construction industry include; a. The interest of stakeholders: The purpose of the project must meet the demands of the stakeholders in the project. Therefore, professionals are required to understand the need of the stakeholders and work towards their satisfaction. b. Conflict of interest: The decisions made must be professional and business oriented at the interest of the employer or profession. Any relationship that may be perceived to impair a project’s objectives must be checked. c. Compliance to legal issues: The actions of engineers must comply with the laws and regulations. This implies that there will be no compromise to ethical responsibility. d. Employee and public safety: The work place should be free from drugs and alcohol. Healthy and safe working environment need to be encouraged. Any violation of safety rules and conditions that endanger the welfare o employees must be reported to immediate authorities. e. The quality of workplace f. Protection and effective use of the assets of the employer g. Ensuring that records are accurate complete and maintained h. Guidelines concerning gifts, meals, and entertainment offered in projects that may influence performance of duties i. Access to confidential or proprietary information j. How to deal with kickbacks and bribes k. Acceptable relationship with competitors l. Whistle blowing activities m. Environmental protection acts n. Acceptable relationship among the clients, contractors, and consultants. Quiz 2: An engineer’s actions and ASCE’s Code of Ethics According to canon 4 and 5 of ASCE’s Code of Ethics, such an action of donating goods and services or subsidizing the construction of public official’s vacation home in exchange for favored treatment with a purpose of securing public construction contracts is wrong. Canon 4 categorically states that an engineer should act as a faithful agent or trustee in professional matters t o employers and avoid conflict of interest. The engineer should not accept gratuities directly or indirectly from contractors, agents, or clients in relation to work. Canon 5 emphasizes that the engineer is not allowed to compete unfairly with others. The engineer should build reputation professionally based on services rendered. An engineer is prohibited to give, solicit, and receive directly or indirectly political contributions, gratuity, or unforbiden strategies to secure a contract (American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000). The engineer is allowed to negotiate for contracts professionally and fairly based on the demonstrated competence and qualifications depending on the professional service needed. As a professional, the engineer is allowed to advertise professional services in a way that lacks misleading language that derogatoriness the dignity of the profession. If engineer has knowledge of any firm that violates canon 4 and or 5, the information should be presented to res ponsible authorities in writing and cooperate with the authority in providing further information or assistance needed (American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000). Quiz 3: Health and Safety in construction sites Employers engaged in construction work must emphasize on health and safety in construction sites. A construction site similar to McGill Hospital Project engages employees in leading edge work and precast concrete works among other activities. A conventional fall protection systems plan should be

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